Benefits of Play

Peter Gray wrote two pieces on benefits of play. One piece deals with the need of some unregulated, unsafe play. The other piece discusses the benefits fo video game playing for children.

  1. How Children Learn Bravery in an Age of Overprotection
  2. The Many Benefits, for Kids, of Playing Video Games (this one contains a good list of relevant references to studies backing his claims)


Published by lankoski

Petri Lankoski, D.Arts, is a Associate Professor in Game Studies at the school of Communication, Media and IT at the Södertörn University, Sweden. His research focuses on game design, game characters, role-playing, and playing experience. Petri has been concentrating on single-player video games but researched also (multi-player) pnp and live-action role-playing games. This blog focuses on his research on games and related things.

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