Perception System Explained

Here is a bit explanation how the perception system code works. Basic features of the code is as follows If the player object is behind some other object, it is not seen. This is tested with Physics.Linecast from the center of perceiving object to the center of the player object. If player object is reallyContinue reading “Perception System Explained”

Simple Perception System (Unity, C#)

Here is a very simple perception C# code that I used my lecture today for Unity. Function that can be added to the Enemy class to check if the enemy sees the player object or not (the code for other functionality can be found on the post /2011/10/29/intro-to-gameplay-programming-with-unity/). With this code, an enemy can perceiveContinue reading “Simple Perception System (Unity, C#)”

Intro to Gameplay Programming with Unity

This post contains an solutions  to my Unity programming exercises and classes I showed at the lectures. This post cover coding following game logic: a waypoint track an agent following a waypoint track display two meters  for energy and health collectable powerups for gaining health and power

Intro to Unity GUI

This post contains an solutions  to my Unity programming exercises and classes I showed at the lectures. This post cover coding some basic things about using Unity GUI system. StartScreenGUI (C#) This class creates simple re-sizable and skinnable start screen for a game with main screen, credits screen, and confirm screen for quitting. The mainContinue reading “Intro to Unity GUI”