Modeling Player-character Engagement Poster

The figures from the poster Modeling Player-character Engagement in Single-player Character-Driven Games in ACE Netherlands (2013): (The paper: /2013/11/15/modeling-player-character-engagement-in-single-player-character-driven-games/)

Modeling Player-character Engagement in Single-player Character-driven Games

Petri Lankoski In ACE 2013 Netherlands, pp. 572-575.  Copyright Springer 2013. This is author’s version. The definitive version DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03161-3_56. Abstract This pilot study looks at how the formal features of character-driven games can be used to explain player-character engagement. Questionnaire data (N=206), formal game features (in 11 games), and ordinal regression were used in theContinue reading “Modeling Player-character Engagement in Single-player Character-driven Games”

Player Character Engagement in Computer Games

My article  Player Character Engagement in Computer Games came out. Here is the abstract: This article argues how players can control a player character influence interpretation and facilitate engagement within a game. Engagement with player characters can be goal-related or empathic, where goal-related engagement depends on affects elicited by goal-status evaluations whereas characters facilitate empathicContinue reading “Player Character Engagement in Computer Games”

Player Character Engagement in Computer Games

My paper Player Character Engagement in Computer Games was accepted to Games and Culture. Here is the abstract: This article argues how players can control a player character influence interpretation and facilitate engagement within a game. Engagement with player characters can be goal-related or empathic, where goal-related engagement depends on affects elicited by goal-status evaluationsContinue reading “Player Character Engagement in Computer Games”