Tutorial: 1st-person sneak in Unity 5, part 8

It is time to create a start menu for the game. For that, we need a scene. After creating the scene, rename the scene file to “start_screen” or something like that. (Scroll down for the links to previous parts of this tutorial.) Add the scene to the build settings (File->Build Settings…) Make sure that start_screen sceneContinue reading “Tutorial: 1st-person sneak in Unity 5, part 8”

Tutorial: 1st-person sneak in Unity 5, part 5

This part adds logic for the PC and keep track of things such as health, dying. I also add functionality for invisibility (that have already partly added in Guard class).  I also add HUD using the new GUI system to show health and energy (that is used to maintain invisibility). Previous parts: part 1 partContinue reading “Tutorial: 1st-person sneak in Unity 5, part 5”

Tutorial: 1st-person sneak in Unity 5, part 2

The first part of tutorial: /2015/05/07/tutorial-1st-person-sneak-in-unity-5-part-1/ The guards needs to be able to observe their surroundings so we need a perception system. I want to make agent not to see its back, but sensing if someone is really close and have some peripheral vision with limited range (cf figure below). Also, guard should not be ableContinue reading “Tutorial: 1st-person sneak in Unity 5, part 2”

Tutorial: 1st-person sneak in Unity 5, part 1

This tutorial goes through how to build a 1st person sneaking game with simple enemies/guards that patrols predefined routes and if they spot the PC they start to follow and attack if they get near enough. A short video clip demonstrates the guard behaviour this tutorial builds. This tutorial assumes that you are familiar withContinue reading “Tutorial: 1st-person sneak in Unity 5, part 1”