Some notes about the freedom of expression, games & critique

(I was first thinking to write a short essay with this title, but this turned to be loosely related thoughts about the topic.) Freedom of expression has newer covered using expression to harm someones reputation and slander a person. Freedom of expression is threatened if people are afraid to express their opinions, even if they don’tContinue reading “Some notes about the freedom of expression, games & critique”

My experiences with censorship & media panics

I grew up with books and comics. Big part of comics available in Finland were translations of European comics such as Asterix, Yoko Tsuno, Spirou et fantasia, Blueberry, Tex Willer, Judge Dredd (and bit later Valerians, Canardo & Bilal, Tardi, Comes), but also US superhero comics.  At that time I was not even aware thatContinue reading “My experiences with censorship & media panics”

Models for Story Consistency and Interestingness in Single-Player RPGs

Petri Lankoski Published in Academic MindTrek 2013 (c) Petri Lankoski 2013. This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here for your own personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Academic MindTrek 2013. [LINK TO BE ADDED] ABSTRACT What are the elements that aect story interestingness or consistency inContinue reading “Models for Story Consistency and Interestingness in Single-Player RPGs”

Character-Driven Game Design & Lies and Seductions

Lies and Seductions The game can be downloaded for free at or get with the Character-Driven Game Design. OSX and Windows versions available. Works also in Linux via Wine. Lies and Seductions is a single player game about seduction, lies, and betrayal. Are you able to guide Abby to seduce a rock star, Chris,Continue reading “Character-Driven Game Design & Lies and Seductions”