Computer Games and Emotions

Petri Lankoski Authoritative version is published in Sageng, Fossheim & Larsen (eds.), The Philosophy of Computer Games, Springer, pp. 39–55,  DOI=10.1007/978-94-007-4249-9_4. Introduction An intriguing question in the philosophy of fiction is on how can we be moved by the fates of the fictional characters or how we fear a fictional monster? This question, in the context of literature andContinue reading “Computer Games and Emotions”

Computer Games and Emotions

Update 2012/08/30:  the full text is available on my blog. I have a chapter about emotions in computer games in The Philosophy of Computer Games book. Here the abstract of the chapter: How players experience games emotionally is the central question in this essay. The answer varies and depends on the game. Yet, most of the actionsContinue reading “Computer Games and Emotions”

Player Character Engagement in Computer Games

My paper Player Character Engagement in Computer Games was accepted to Games and Culture. Here is the abstract: This article argues how players can control a player character influence interpretation and facilitate engagement within a game. Engagement with player characters can be goal-related or empathic, where goal-related engagement depends on affects elicited by goal-status evaluationsContinue reading “Player Character Engagement in Computer Games”