Experience Assessment and Design in the Analysis of Gameplay by Cowley et al

Experience Assessment and Design in the Analysis of Gameplay is available in Simulation and Gaming (online first version). Abstract: We report research on player modeling using psychophysiology and machine learning, conducted through interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers of computer science, psychology, and game design at Aalto University, Helsinki. First, we propose the Play Patterns And eXperience (PPAX)Continue reading “Experience Assessment and Design in the Analysis of Gameplay by Cowley et al”

Difficulty Graphs (by Rafael Vázquez)

Rafael Vázquez writes about evaluating the difficulty level of games on Gamasutra in the feature How Tough Is Your Game? Creating Difficulty Graphs: They are graphical representations of how difficulty changes throughout the game. This is to say that they plot how challenge changes over time. There are two main types, time-based and distance-based. TheContinue reading “Difficulty Graphs (by Rafael Vázquez)”

JGVW Special Issue: Experiencing Games

I just got a copy of the special issue Experiencing games: Games, play and players of the Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds edited by Waern, Thorhauge, Verhagen, and me (the online version should come out by the end of December). Special issue TOC: Lankoski, Waern, Thorhauge, Verhagen: Introduction to special issue: Experiencing Games: Games,Continue reading “JGVW Special Issue: Experiencing Games”

Notes on Aalto Game Design Courses

Now the first year (of two year MA degree programme) of the Game Design and Production at the School of Art and Design at the Aalto University is over (and I am at the Södertörn University), I thought to write notes about the courses. Game Design: Gameplay Design Workshop (5 days) by Petri Ikonen (DigitalContinue reading “Notes on Aalto Game Design Courses”

Quick Intro to Spreadsheets for Game Designers

Claire Blackshaw gives brief intro to using spreadsheets in Opinion: Stop Being The Useless Designer – Excel and Formulas. Excel (and other spreadsheet programs such as Numbers and Open Office) has excellent tools to quick prototype game system behaviors, as Blackshaw points outs. For prototyping complex behaviors, writing simple computer programs in unavoidable, I think.Continue reading “Quick Intro to Spreadsheets for Game Designers”

Some Refelections on the Game Project Course

In the Game Project course students design and develop a game from a scratch to (at least) beta level. It is obvious that current version of the game project course has some flaws. Currently the structure suffers issues of the big-design-first model. The course milestones set does not require prototyping and iteration. This has workedContinue reading “Some Refelections on the Game Project Course”

Character-Driven Game Design & Lies and Seductions

Lies and Seductions The game can be downloaded for free at http://www.liesandseductions.com or get with the Character-Driven Game Design. OSX and Windows versions available. Works also in Linux via Wine. Lies and Seductions is a single player game about seduction, lies, and betrayal. Are you able to guide Abby to seduce a rock star, Chris,Continue reading “Character-Driven Game Design & Lies and Seductions”