Joystickit kuumina PDF

Markku Reunanen has made our (Reunanen, Lankoski, Heinonen) chapter in Digirakkaus 2 available as PDF. The chapter can downloaded at (in Finnish). Figure shows how our informants remembered certain titles from 1980 to 1995. When we posted questionnaire we missed some notorious  games in US, such as Swedish Erotica series, that would have beenContinue reading “Joystickit kuumina PDF”

Digirakkaus 2 (Digital Love 2)

Digirakkaus 2 will be published Oct 28, 2011 (edited by Saarikoski, Heinonen, Turtiainen). We (Reunanen M., Lankoski, P., &  Heinonen, M.) have a chapter there about the history of digital erotica and how it was used in Finland. We look at years 1980 to 1995. The chapter is titled Joystickit kuumina – varhaista erotiikkaa kotitietokoneilla (JoysticksContinue reading “Digirakkaus 2 (Digital Love 2)”